Marco! by Joon Kim

I knew what I was getting into. I don't own a long lens. 85mm is the longest lens I own. But I feel that a long lens is cheating in a way. The human eye can not zoom in on the action. You have to use your feet to get a better vantage point. So in a way the photos I take truly represent my views and what "I" see.   Don't get me wrong, there is a purpose for long lenses. I may get one in the future, but until then I just make it work.

My PLOG by Joon Kim

It has been entirely too long since I have posted on my blog. Oh well, no one reads it anyway! LOL! Wait a second, I'm not much of a writer so not much to read on here. It's just a photo blog. A Plog. I have no excuse except I've been busy, Maybe just lazy....


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Spring is here!
